Hello there, I'm


Electrical Engineer → Software Engineer


Transitioning from electrical to software engeering, driven by a passion for AI's potential. Commited to continuous leaning. Flexible collaborator capable of both independent work and a keen enthusiasm for achieving success.

Eager to ride the wave of AI's expansive growth, I'm fueled by the excitement of being an integral part of its evolution. The array of challenges in our daily lives feels like a playground of problem-solving opportunities for AI, and I'm thrilled at the prospect of crafting solutions that enhance our everyday experiences.

The ever-evolving landscape of technology serves as my playground, and software development provides the ultimate sandbox. It's the realm where my passion for continuous learning finds its home, allowing me to eagerly embrace new technologies every few years. With an electrical engineering background, I not only navigate the software realm but also possess a unique understanding of its interaction with hardware.

Coding and debugging? They're my digital treasure hunts, where every bug squashed feels like a victory, making the process as enjoyable as unraveling a mystery—because who said debugging can't be a little fun and games? It's this combination of enthusiasm for AI's potential, a thirst for ongoing learning, and a knack for the playful side of coding that propels me forward in the dynamic world of software engineering.

Choosing full-stack development is a deliberate and passion-driven decision for me, rooted in the multifaceted nature of this role. I find immense joy in employing a diverse array of programs, and full-stack development allows me to seamlessly navigate through both front-end and back-end technologies. My enthusiasm for crafting visually appealing user interfaces aligns seamlessly with my desire to optimize the efficiency of the underlying systems. This duality allows me to create holistic and user-centric solutions that resonate with my commitment to delivering high-quality and comprehensive projects.

My commitment to full-stack development stems from a love for teamwork. Thriving in collaborative environments, I connect with individuals across disciplines. Full-stack development enables me to contribute to both client and server aspects, fostering a dynamic team atmosphere. Working with diverse professionals energizes me, enhancing my learning journey and contributing to collective success. I not only thrive in teamwork but also excel in working well independently. This seamless fusion of technology, design, collaboration, and continuous learning propels me towards an enriching and impactful career path.

  • Adaptability and problem-solving: These are two qualities that I hold in high regard. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt to new situations and creatively solveproblems is crucial. I value individuals who can navigate challenges with flexibility and thinkcritically to find innovative solutions. This adaptability not only helps in overcoming obstacles butalso fosters a positive and growing mindset.

  • Coachability and eagerness to learn:I believe that the desire to learn and grow is essential for personal and professionaldevelopment. Individuals who are open to feedback, actively seek knowledge, and show a willingness to improve demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning. This coachable mindset not only accelerates individual growth but also contributes positively to team dynamics and collaboration.

  • Passion and hunger to grow :I value individuals who approach their work with enthusiasm and a genuine love for what they do. A deep passion for one's pursuits, coupled with an insatiable hunger to grow and achieve more,drives excellence and fosters a sense of purpose. This intrinsic motivation not only fuels personal success but also inspires those around to strive for greatness.

  • Creativity:Whether it's in the realm of art, ideas, or problem-solving, I appreciate individuals who possess a creative spirit. The ability to think outside the box, generate new concepts, and bring innovative ideas to life is a quality that sparks positive change and adds a unique perspective to any endeavor. I value the imaginative thinkers and creators who contribute originality to the world.

  • Enjoying the small moments in life: Embracing and finding joy in life's little moments is a quality I deeply appreciate. I am someone who takes the time to savor small pleasures, fostering a positive and grateful outlook. This mindfulness towards life's subtleties contributes to overall well-being and enriches the journey with moments of happiness and gratitude.


project #1

project #2

project #3

project #4


title 1

company 1

date 1

  • point 1
  • point 2
  • point 3
  • python
  • c#
  • c hashtag

title 2

company 2

date 2

  • point 1
  • point 2
  • point 3
  • python
  • c#
  • c hashtag









course name


  • python
  • c#
  • c hashtag
course name2


  • python
  • c#
  • c hashtag
course name2


  • python
  • c#
  • c hashtag
course name2


  • python
  • c#
  • c hashtag
